Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Word for the Wise T.I. - The Heady Sound of Voice-to-Skull

"Head of Music" by Rob McCormic

03/10/09 Update - Here are two V2K drowning recordings. Each of the below links (hi and lo) go to a MP3 Audio file. Each audio file contains 3 blended tracks. For optimum effectiveness:

Right click and start playing the first (low) recording.


Two seconds later come back to this page and right click and play the second (hi) recording.


Now you hear both recordings (a total of 6 tracks) simultaneously, but a few seconds out of sync with each other.

This technique should keep you from heeding V2K while you sleep, read, study or or otherwise need to concentrate.

Many thanks to Ed Light for making the recordings, to Eleanor White for publishing them on her website, and to Julianne, who first discovered the effectiveness of playing multiple radio stations simultaneously as a means to drown out V2K.

12/30/08 - Update Though originally published on 11/19.08, I've had to republish today, due to technical difficulties.

What: S2K and V2K are remote transmissions directed into the Targeted Individual's head.

Purpose: to confuse the T.I., to effect the T.I.'s emotional state, to reduce sleep, to make subliminal suggestions during sleep.

Goal: to destablize the T.I., to lessen the T.I.'s ability to distinguish his/her own thoughts with statements made by the perpetrators of this crime.

What is S2K (Sound to Skull)?

1) Sounds that Excite. It could be fast paced instrumental music that endlessly repeats a single musical phrase. S2K could be ticking sounds, beeps, or the sound of a tuning fork ringing. It might also be the sound of a door slamming, a noisy motor cycle engine revving up, or a civil disaster siren.

2) Sounds that Hypnotize. It might sound like the mechanical ‘whoop, whoop, whoop’ of giant industrial fan blades. This repetitive sound is can lull the listener into a suggestible mental state.

SOLUTION: When ever the T.I. hears either Excitation S2K or Hypnotizing S2K, the T.I. should silently ‘drown out’ those sounds with his or her own repetitive chanting.

Play two radios simultaneously, but with each radio tuned to a different station. For instance, one station could be tuned to raucous hot jazz, while the other radio is tuned into a classical music station. Or, two different jazz stations might be playing simultaneously.

Radio stations that play songs can be problematic because the perps can piggyback their own words onto the song as it plays. Also problematic are songs with highly repetitive musical phrasing. The T.I. needs to be careful not to listen to any genre of music that has a hypnotic quality to it.

There is a long time activist who suggests playing two different talk show stations simultaneously.

What is DAYTIME V2K?

1) The voice(s) of other person(s) speaking, laughing, taunting the T.I. Examples of this might be, "You're crazy," "Confess," "Kill yourself." Or the voices might simply repeat sentences expressing worry or concern.

2) The T.I.'s own words played back to the T.I. so that the T.I. thinks the words are the T.I.'s current thoughts, when in fact they are actually past spoken words being played back at the T.I. These are often first perp-edited (like a cut and paste edited voice recording) to form the ideas/sentences the perps wish to convey.

One way the T.I. knows these are not the his or her real time (current) thoughts is that the intonation for the transmitted sentence will often be inappropriate to moment the T.I. hears it. However, but the T.I. will be able to remember using that tone and those words in the past. Say, for instance, a T.I. watches a movie that includes a patient in a vegetative state, hooked up to a respirator for years. The T.I. tells a friend about the movie and says, "I'd rather be dead than exist like that: brain dead and hooked up to all those machines." The perps will edit a recording of the T.I.'s sentence and repeatedly transmit, "I'd rather be dead than exist" every time, let's say, the T.I. comes home and starts to prepare a meal, or every time the T.I. lays down to go to sleep.


1) Deists can drown out V2K with repetitive prayer or chant religious or spiritual phrases.

2) Atheists can drown out V2K by mentally performing complex mathematical equations, or memorize and silently repeat long monologues or the speeches, or conjugating verbs in Latin (or some other foreign language), or engaging in any mental activity that forces the T.I. to maintain a single focus.

3) All T.I.s need to guard against any impulse to engage in outlandish or unreasonable behavior. Eleanor White suggests that one slowly counts to twenty rather than acting out an impulse. Another thing to do is to write down all of the personal and societal reasons for and against engaging in a new activity or behavior.


This is more insidious and dangerous and can convey subliminal messages. Since the perps monitor the T.I.'s REM cycle they know when is the best time to transmit ideas to the T.I. throughout the night so that the T.I. won't be remember hearing the suggestions, yet awaken thinking the transmitted idea is their own. If, for example, the T.I.'s inhibition was lowered by the targeting of the T.I.'s frontal lobe in the early hours of the morning and the sleeping V2K message was to do something reckless or outlandish, then the T.I. might awaken thinking the transmitted words constitute his/her own idea. This works if the outlandish suggestion is something the T.I. either admired someone else for doing or might have entertain doing (even in a moment of jest) and expressed that admiration in words; otherwise there is little likelihood of the T.I. following the suggestion.

SOLUTION: At night the T.I. might play two radios simultaneously, but with each radio tuned to a different station. For instance, one station could be tuned to raucous hot jazz, while the other radio is tuned into a classical music station. Or, two different jazz stations might be playing simultaneously.

Radio stations that play songs can be problematic because the perps can piggyback their own words onto the song as it plays. Also problematic are songs with highly repetitive musical phrasing. The T.I. needs to be careful not to listen to any genre of music that has a hypnotic quality to it.

There is a long time activist who suggests playing two different talk show stations simultaneously.

When the Targeted Individual understands the mechanisms by which attempted manipulation is made, he/she can take effective action to counter act its effects. This cannot be stressed too often. During the day Targeted Individuals must engage in mental activities that require and reinforce healthy single minded focus and drown out transmitted V2K. During the sleep time Targeted Individuals must set up a wall of sound (as another activist puts it) to obstruct S2K and V2k.

It may be difficult to accept these ideas at first, but remember: A WORD TO THE WISE T.I. should be sufficient.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Word to the Wise T.I. - The Frugal T.I.

The holidays can be tough for T.I.s, particularly so in the present economic recession. Here are money saving links from Consumer Reports and Smart Shopping magazines. (Update at end of article.)

Deal News - "Every day, dealnews brings you the best deals available on the hottest items on the Internet. We scour over 2,000 online retailers and tens of thousands of deals to deliver the best 100+ deals each and every day — the kinds of deals you'd normally only see on Black Friday. We verify that each deal is valid, the lowest total price we could find, and from a reputable retailer. Then and only then do we post it for you. We take getting a bargain seriously, and then share what we find with you."

Free Shipping "is the premiere free shipping resource on the internet. It is a site with one simple goal, to save online shoppers money by providing them with a list of trusted online retailers who are offering free shipping coupons. Smart online shoppers have always known the cost of shipping can make the difference between a good deal and a great deal. But finding out which online retailers are offering free shipping deals has not always been easy, and it can be very time consuming."

My Grocery Deals "Like many great ideas, this website started on a napkin with a belief that there has to be a better way to save money using retail flyers or circulars. As deal shoppers ourselves, we began our research by asking our friends, families and colleagues if they felt the same way. As our suspicions were confirmed, we personally commissioned extensive research that further validated our thoughts. It started to look more and more like our little idea was a great one. So, we put together a determined, entrepreneurial team that worked long and hard for close to a year to deliver this service to you. We want all grocery shoppers to save time and money!"

Price Grabber "PriceGrabber.com is the industry innovator in online comparison shopping. Millions of consumers use PriceGrabber to quickly obtain free and unbiased information about products, services, merchants and sellers before making a purchase decision. Through continued innovation and consistent focus on providing the best comparison shopping experience on the Internet, PriceGrabber has established itself as the most trusted and effective online destination for savvy shopping."

Price Protector ""

Retail Me "is an easy way to find online coupon codes. Enter these codes at the checkout page of participating merchants for instant discounts."

Shopping Secrets "Road tested tips from readers like you and a few of the savviest shoppers on our staff."

Shop Smart "Stop clicking all over the web! These 7 online shopping spots will help you find real deals fast."

Shop Time "Get heads up when sites put your favorite brands on sale in your size. It's like having a personal shopper, only better. Plus, it 's FREE. Sale away."

Storez "is a brand new way to shop-bringing theme-based shopping and all your favorite brands and store specials to a single destination in a simplified and uniquely personalized way."

12/28/08 Update -

Saving Nuts "Money Saving Expert Advice & Budgeting Tips On How To Be Frugal & Spend Less -- “For People Who Are Nuts About Saving Money”

Frugal Times "Tips for saving money in the real world."

Frugal Living Tips "Frugal living, save money now."

Gas Buddy Will help you find the cheapest gasoline in your area. (USA and Canada). 

So use these links because A Word to the Wise T.I. should be sufficient.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Word to the Wise T.I. - Don't Judge Too Quickly

Holiday Greetings and remember: In the world of Covert Harassment and Surveillance, take heed because A Word to the Wise T.I. should be sufficient.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spot Light On - Organized Stalking-III & The Resistance


Felix's instructional and inspiring videos bring strength to the weak, fortitude to the weary, and the determination the hopeless. And may a Word to the Wise T.I. be sufficient.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Word for the Wise T.I. - TV for the TV-less T.I.

AOL Video * Hulu * Fancast * Guba * Joost * 

Don't have a TV? While some of you may think TV is a total waste of time, some find it relaxing on occasion.Or do perps always cause you to miss the first episode of your favorite series? Then go toYou can have great fun with these websites, so get out the popped corn and soda (or organic soy nuts and freshly squeezed juice), sit back and enjoy!  And let A Word to the Wise T.I. be sufficient.
(Updated 02/26/09)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Spot Light on - Microwave Harasment and Mind Control

Want to know what it's about? This is a 'must read' for all victims of covert harassment and surveillance is:

Microwave Harassment and Mind Control (click here)

By Julianne McKinney, Director

Electronic Surveillance Project

Association of National Security Alumni

If the above link doesn't work, try this to a PDF file version.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Word to the Wise T.I. - Dastardly Double Digit Dilemma - Final Word

Dastardly Double Digit Dilemma (clocks) and then in Dastardly Double Digit Dilemma Redux (receipts). Now
When considering and analyzing actual or potential triggers such as doubled digits -- rather than training to ignoring them -- one must be very careful. Those situations occur by chance rather often.
Suppose that all digits are equally likely. Then in two-digit numbers (assuming they can start with a zero) a doubled digit will occur one out of every ten times.
If there are ten or more two-digit numbers there will probably be a doubled digit in there somewhere.
In three-digit numbers the chances increase. There are ten ways to choose the first digit. Assuming the second one matches, there are ten ways to fill the last digit. Otherwise, there are nine ways for the second number to not match the first and then there are two ways for the final number to match one of the first two. So there are 10*1*10 + 10*9*2 = 100+180 = 280 ways out of the 1000 possible three-digit numbers. That is over a quarter of the three-digit numbers.
In a list of three-digit numbers the chances increase. And so forth...
This is not to say that you have not been purposely conditioned to react to this pattern. That is possible, especially once the perps notice that you are noticing such things -- they'll feed it back at you even if they weren't doing it before.
But there is a natural background level that has to be taken into consideration. The pernicious thing about this type of trigger is that there are many coincidental occurrences which can set it off. The perps essentially get a free force-multiplier due to the natural occurrences -- as well as deniability.
Another thing to consider is that you may not be noticing all the times when you look at a number which does not have doubled digits. We see numbers all the time, and usually ignore them. Once one has been conditioned to react to doubled digits, however, those numbers become harder to ignore. That is, after conditioning one would tend to notice such numbers more than he or she would notice undoubled numbers. That can skew the equation as far as analyzing the situation correctly.
In any case, even if you must analyze the situation, try to keep training yourself to remain calm. You already know that the perps are messing with you.  At some point you will perhaps gather enough information and decide to ignore the doubling of digits, or at least not have to react to them in any significant way.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Spot Light On: Debbie Newhook's Winning Philosophy

Today's spotlight shines on Debbie Newhook, a successful business woman, activist and Targeted Individual, who daily wins the battle for her life, health and liberty. Targeted Individuals would do well to inculcate Ms. Newhook's winning philosophy into their lives. Debbie shares it with us.

You have to take back control over your life and get out of the house and make yourself get a life other than the one that is imposed upon you. This is not an impossible task. I managed to do this (over time) and I am quite happy in my life… except for the EH which I can block if it gets unbearable.

I took many steps to improve my outlook on life and I also began the process of forgiveness for all the wrong done to me in the past by people and or perps. This was the most difficult thing I had to do, but once I did let go of all the past shit and did not harbor any hate/anger/disappointment towards people, I saw a dramatic change in myself in particular my outlook on life and my health. I also had to come to a place in my life where I accepted my destiny as a target and carry on. In order to carry on and not be affected by the perps who mess with me in the community, I started to treat this like a game; a reality game where I am one of the characters and I have the power to affect the outcome of my day. I have the power to control every interaction.

So I decided to do what I call "Fun with Perps". I am a bold person and this is advantageous, but I am also now a calm person and able to analyze a community interaction in a split second and return a perp behavior with a calm, funny, sarcastic or charismatic way that defused the situation and allowed me to have the power or control. My perps soon stopped trying to interact negatively with me in the community because they were starting to look the fool.

In order to become that calm and rational TI I did two things: meditation and visualization.

  • Lowers oxygen consumption;
  • Decreases respiratory rate;
  • Increases blood flow and slows the heart rate;
  • Increases exercise tolerance in heart patients;
  • Leads to a deeper level of relaxation;
  • Brings blood pressure down to normal;
  • Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate;
  • Decreases muscle tension (any pain due to tension) and headaches;
  • Builds self-confidence;
  • Increases serotonin production which influences mood and behavior. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression, obesity, insomnia and headaches;
  • Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.;
  • Reduces Pre-menstrual Syndrome;
  • Helps in post-operative healing;
  • Enhances the immune system. Research has revealed that meditation increases activity of 'natural-killer cells', which kill bacteria and cancer cells; and also
  • Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress.

Visualization - The next thing I did was I began to use visualization. I began to analyze the past interactions with perps and look at HOW I could have dealt with the interaction in a way that would empower me and take power away from the perps. From this analysis of my circumstances, I discovered that the perps hate it when we are happy. So when I started to work on changing myself I was still not a happy camper, but I forced myself to walk around with a smile on my face all of the time. Within weeks of just doing this ACT of being happy, I started to see that by ACTING happy (even when I was not happy) cause the perps distress. I even had one perp explode at me in a grocery line up and demand that I tell him what I was smiling about; this made me laugh out loud at the fool perp and caused him to get into a rage. Boy, did I start to get happy after that. That was the start of my fighting back in the community. I began to sing and laugh and smile all the time.

I am also a little mischievous and I saw all the mobbing tactics used against me and I started to do the same to the perps and do it with a huge smile on my face... the perps did not like it and they soon stopped mobbing me or interacting with me in the community all together. All these things empowered me and took the power away from the perps. More about visualization:

  • Positive visualization is seeing in your mind's eye your life unfolding in a way that pleases you. It's taking charge of your life and creating your own reality by engaging your own God-given power.
  • Positive visualization helps you break from of outside influences and circumstances. You're no longer a helpless victim, being tossed around by the events in your life.

Instead, you're in command and control by seeing things working out through the power of imagination. Wayne Dyer wrote "whatever you think about expands." If you find yourself in a situation that is negative or unhappy in any way, visualization can help you turn it around by placing yourself mentally and spiritually in an environment that's more positive, productive, inspiring, and joyful.
What I have learned about visualization for me as a target my visualization has to be in line with my destiny.
Currently, my destiny is that I am a target and I have outside forces working against me, but I do not let these outside forces stop me from experiencing happiness and joy.

According to the article, Using Creative Visualization To Empower Your Life With Law Of Attraction,

"As far-fetched as it may seem, visualization can actually help you to overcome fears and strengthen your ability to do anything you desire because your subconscious mind accepts these visions as real experiences – just as it would if you were physically engaging in such a reality. Athletes in particular swear by the effectiveness of mentally going through their practice exercises numerous times in order to enhance their physical performance – but visualization can be a powerful aid in any endeavor; not just athletics."

All these steps I took to improve my life as a target and the benefits have helped me to cope with the EH. I no longer have any significant stress in my life and this helps my body to cope with the EH directed at me. The perps want us to be in a constant state of panic, fear, anger and hate, etc. because then the weapons directed at us are far more effective.

DON'T give them that upper hand in this game they force upon us. Take back your life and live it the way you envision it should be.

11/15/08 UPDATE - Debbie, whose activism has led to contact with a number 0f other Targeted Individuals in her home town of Nanaimo, Canada, has just launched her own website, HELP STOP ORGANIZED STALKING IN NANAIMO.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Spot Light on: Felix Canez's "Organized Stalking and the Resistance Video"

Organized Stalking And the Resistance #6
by Felix Canez

When not bravely facing down his stalkers, Mr. Canez can be found distributing activist literature to local law enforcement or producing activist and inspirational Organized Stalking and the Resistance videos

Norma Lawrence's multiple stalker video is presented and commented on in this video by Felix Canez.

03/08/09 UPDATE: Keep an eye out for more exciting and educational videos by Felix a.k.a. GSWatchdog, on YouTube.

A Word for the Wise T.I. - The Fickle Finger of Hate - Targeting the Fingers, Hands, and Arms

Some Targeted Individuals (T.I.s) think they suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Radial Tunnel Syndrome or Tennis Elbow - three conditions that normally are the result of repetitive injuries like typing or plumbing, or playing tennis or doing karate. Some even go so far as to have surgery to relieve the pain, weakness and numbness in their hands and arms, only to find the problem returns tenfold.

If you are considering surgery, then a little bit of research will reveal that almost 30% of these surgeries result in no improvement at all, or even in a worsening of the condition. And if you are a Targeted Individual, consider the possibility that you will be in that 30%. Think long and hard before you go through the expense and suffering of surgery. Better yet, test to see if your symptoms are due to Electronic Harassment: the judicious targeting of a Directed Energy Weapon to specific points of the body.

But how can you tell if you are a victim of Electronic Harassment or are experiencing a lifestyle medical condition? As with any non-T.I. sufferer, it begins with a TI awakening to pain, numbness and tingling in the fingers, hands, arms, elbows or shoulders, but here's the difference.

Carpal Tunnel symptoms can be mimicked by weapons effects that target the inner side of the wrist, causing the tendon over the nerves to swell and pinch. There are three major nerve pathways along the shoulder and arm that are targeted to produce these results. Look at the above image.

1) Look at the lower arm in the above diagram. Do you see where the RADIAL NERVE comes closest to the surface of the skin at the outer bend (the back) of the elbow, and at the wrist closest to the base of thumb? Targeting those points, as well as any point along the nerves path which runs close to the survace of the outside of the arm, results in the numbing of, and tingling sensations in, the first three fingers, as well as in the weakening of those fingers' grips on objects.

How can you tell if you are experiencing a Weapons Effects vs. a lifestyle activity Symptom? Gently rest the entire palm of your hand along the Radial Nerve's pathway. When you find a hot spot (the specific target site), cover it with shielding material.

2) But, what if your thumb, pointer, and middle fingers are just fine, and the problem is with the ring and pinky fingers? Then take a look at the upper arm in the diagram above. Targeting the ULNA NERVE where it comes closest to the skin, at the bottom of the front facing side of elbow, as well as at the wrist (closest to the pinky), and at the shoulder, all result in the numbing of, and tingling in the ring and pinky fingers. It also causes the grips in thos fingers to weaken.

3) When the MEDIAN NERVE is targeted sudden small flexing (jerking) of the finger joints can occur, as can finger pain. Take a look at the top arm in the above diagram. Learn this nerves' pathway so that you can locate the specific target site.

4) Does your elbow ache whenever you try to straighten your arm? The condition is commonly known as Tennis Elbow. Unfortunately, judicious targeting of the elbow's LATERAL EPICONDYLE (aka L.E.) will create a weapons effect that mimics tennis elbow. How is this possible? Take a close look at the diagram to the right. You can see that the L.E. lies atop the joint, closest to the surface of the arm. Targeting anywhere within the diagram's Area of Pain will cause the Weapons Effect that mimic's natural tennis elbow.

CONFIRMATION - After you've found the confirming hot spots along your arm or hand you'll know where to shield.

Want confirmation that your suffering is due to EH? Then sleep with that arm completely encased (wrapped) in a flexible silicon cookie baking mat/sheet. Usually sold for $9.99, you can get them on sale sometimes at places like Target for only $7.99, and they come in a variety of colors. These sheets. Be sure to cover the entire arm from top and underside of shoulder, down to the fingertips. You will need more than one of these, in order to encase the entire arm, down to and including the fingertips. No space should be uncovered because targeting

Next, you;'ll want cover or surround the effected arm with Rubbermaid rubber mat. Why this brand? Because the company owns its own rubber plantations as well as its the manufacturing plant in Malaysia. Other brands don't use enough rubber, but mix in too much vinyl and other plastics.

The arm, from top of shoulder to fingertips, from front to back, must be encased, with the suction cups facing outward. There must be no gaps in the rubber coverage or the EH will get through and still do harm.

This must be done every night for several days to give the hand's nerves time to recuperate. If the your hand/arm return to normal, then you can be certain that you were targeted by a Directed Energy Weapon (Electronic Harassment)

One hopes this advise is heeded and helps, and that
A Word to the Wise (T.I.) will be sufficient.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Spot Light On: Eleanor White's Organized Stalking Primer

by Eleanor White
Revision of October 5, 2008

Eleanor White has been a target of organized stalking for over two decades, and has been in contact with other targets of organized stalking since 1996. She is a retired engineer. This booklet relates opinions and conclusions, and readers should be aware that there are many different viewpoints on this issue, expressed by other targets.

It is hoped that T.I.s will make use of Ms. White's thought-provoking and insightful publication for activism.

And for additional tips in making activists presentations, visit:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Word for the Wise T.I. - Dastardly Double Digit Delemma Redux

Problem: Targeted Individuals awareness of the prevalence of double digits on the cashier receipts.

General Background: Some paranoid schizophrenics focus on double digits. Furthermore, number focusing is also typical of individuals with heightened feelings of hopelessness.

Purpose: To trick TIs into focusing on, and talk about seeing double digit numbers.

Goal: To discredit TI and have TI declared insane, depressed and/or paranoid schizophrenic.

This has the added benefit of providing plausible deniability when a TI suicide. TI suicide is either a final attempt to get away from relentless electronic torture from remote directed energy weapons, or it is murder disguised to look like suicide.

To make scenario a reality it is therefore incumbent upon perps to trick TIs into noticing double digits when they shop. This way, if a TI has an inexplicable death, it can be said that the TI frequently expressed concern over numbers and was therefore suicidal.

How: Double-digit focusing TIs have **already** been EH & OS sensitized to notice double digits from being tricked and harassed to look at their clocks when the time includes double digits, making it more likely they will notice double digits on some of their cashier receipts. (See my October 2, 2008 blog called Dastardly Double Digit Dilemma.) This is further reinforced when caravans of perp cars bearing license plates with double digits, surround and/or precede TIs as TIs travel from one destination to another.

Non-itemized cash receipts can easily be keyed to have a double digit figure total. In that case, either the cashier may intentionally be keying the double digit figure or, the cashier machine may have been rigged so as to be remotely electronically cued to produce double digit figures when TIs shop at that store. Since it is likely that every town has more than one TI, this is a cost effective way to frighten all of that store’s TI customers.

Solutions: First determine if the grand total on the receipt is coincidental or a perp tactic.

Use a shopping list when you shop. As you select items off of the shelves write the price of each item on your list. If you buy something not on your list, add that item to the list before moving on to select the next item.

After the receipt is rung up, check to see that the printed charges match the prices for each item. This is easy because you wrote down the prices as you shopped. This step ensures against unsupportable charges aren't on your receipt.

Once at home, first make sure that the items listed on your shopping list equals both that listed on the receipt as well as the actual items you take out of your shopping bag.

Next, manually do the addition for all of the items to see if the double digit bearing total is correct. Take the time to double-check you manual addition.

Next, triple-check the math using an adding machine or calculator. Remember that a desktop widget calculator or an Internet calculator can be easily hacked while you are on-line doing the math.

If the total on the cashier receipt proves to be the correct figure, then you know that its double digit figure is coincidental and to be laughter at, better yet, to be ignored. But if your careful triple-checked calculations reveal a different figure than that on the cashier receipt, then you know the cashier and/or the cashier machine was compromised to produce a double digit figure.

If the latter is the case you can go back to the store for a refund if you can prove that an error has been made. And if it undercharged you in order to have a double-digit figure, you can enjoy the irony of the situation and not feel concern.

Whatever your efforts reveal, have a good laugh and get on with your life because A Word to the Wise TI should be sufficient.

Note: My thanks to the TI activist who pointed me to the article,
"Lacking Control Increases Illusory Pattern Perception," by Jennifer A. Whitson and Adam D. Galinsky (3 October 2008) Science 322 (5898), 115. [DOI: 10.1126/science. 1159845]

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Word for the Wise T.I. - Dastardly Double Digit Dilemma

THE PROBLEM: Many TIs express fear and apprehension about being manipulated to look at the clock whenever the time shows double digits. They fear they are being mind-controlled. How is it, they wonder, that they can be forced to look at a clock every morning just at 2:20, 3:03, or 4:14? Why is it being done? And finally, what can they do about the...Dastardly Double Digit Dilemma.

The Wise TI will understand that this is NOT mind control, but merely sensory stimulation and electronic targeting.

THE PURPOSE is to drive TIs to distraction. To make them obsess about the time. To make them fear they are going insane. To make them reveal their situation to non-TIs.

THE GOAL is loss of credibility, institutionalization and court mandated psychotropic medication, loss of livelihood, financial loss, and finally suicide.

HOW IT WORKS is very simple when one understands both the technology and protocol applied.

Anyone rudely awakened in the middle of the night might glance at their clock to see how much time they have left to sleep. This tendency is reinforced by either noise harassment (timed noise pollution by neighbors making loud noises, or a caravan of un-muffled cars driving past, or neighborhood dogs becoming suddenly aware of the presence of a strategically introduced bitch in heat, or startling neighborhood dogs with a loud Voice to Skull (V2K) transmission.

Another way to awaken Targeted Individuals is to target their bladders with remote electronic weaponry. Thus stimulated, the awakened TI, assumes a bathroom visit is in order. A glance at the clock ensures that the prevalence of double digits will be noticed.

Now if the noise or EH campaign begins at 2:20 AM, there is a 10-minute window in which to awaken the TI: 2:20 am, 2:21 AM, 2:22 AM, 2:23 AM, 2:24 AM… and so on until 2:29 AM; all with the double digit '2'.

Once the TI is sensitized to judiciously timed EH-stimulation or noise harassment throughout the course of the evening - a time when people become more sedentary - the possibility of TI clock watching increases dramatically.
So, just get on with your life and let  A Word to the Wise T.I. be sufficient.