"Head of Music" by Rob McCormic
03/10/09 Update - Here are two V2K drowning recordings. Each of the below links (hi and lo) go to a MP3 Audio file. Each audio file contains 3 blended tracks. For optimum effectiveness:
Right click and start playing the first (low) recording.
Two seconds later come back to this page and right click and play the second (hi) recording.
Now you hear both recordings (a total of 6 tracks) simultaneously, but a few seconds out of sync with each other.
This technique should keep you from heeding V2K while you sleep, read, study or or otherwise need to concentrate.
Many thanks to Ed Light for making the recordings, to Eleanor White for publishing them on her website, and to Julianne, who first discovered the effectiveness of playing multiple radio stations simultaneously as a means to drown out V2K.
12/30/08 - Update Though originally published on 11/19.08, I've had to republish today, due to technical difficulties.
What: S2K and V2K are remote transmissions directed into the Targeted Individual's head.
Purpose: to confuse the T.I., to effect the T.I.'s emotional state, to reduce sleep, to make subliminal suggestions during sleep.
Goal: to destablize the T.I., to lessen the T.I.'s ability to distinguish his/her own thoughts with statements made by the perpetrators of this crime.
What is S2K (Sound to Skull)?
1) Sounds that Excite. It could be fast paced instrumental music that endlessly repeats a single musical phrase. S2K could be ticking sounds, beeps, or the sound of a tuning fork ringing. It might also be the sound of a door slamming, a noisy motor cycle engine revving up, or a civil disaster siren.
2) Sounds that Hypnotize. It might sound like the mechanical ‘whoop, whoop, whoop’ of giant industrial fan blades. This repetitive sound is can lull the listener into a suggestible mental state.
SOLUTION: When ever the T.I. hears either Excitation S2K or Hypnotizing S2K, the T.I. should silently ‘drown out’ those sounds with his or her own repetitive chanting.
Play two radios simultaneously, but with each radio tuned to a different station. For instance, one station could be tuned to raucous hot jazz, while the other radio is tuned into a classical music station. Or, two different jazz stations might be playing simultaneously.
Radio stations that play songs can be problematic because the perps can piggyback their own words onto the song as it plays. Also problematic are songs with highly repetitive musical phrasing. The T.I. needs to be careful not to listen to any genre of music that has a hypnotic quality to it.
There is a long time activist who suggests playing two different talk show stations simultaneously.
What is DAYTIME V2K?
1) The voice(s) of other person(s) speaking, laughing, taunting the T.I. Examples of this might be, "You're crazy," "Confess," "Kill yourself." Or the voices might simply repeat sentences expressing worry or concern.
2) The T.I.'s own words played back to the T.I. so that the T.I. thinks the words are the T.I.'s current thoughts, when in fact they are actually past spoken words being played back at the T.I. These are often first perp-edited (like a cut and paste edited voice recording) to form the ideas/sentences the perps wish to convey.
One way the T.I. knows these are not the his or her real time (current) thoughts is that the intonation for the transmitted sentence will often be inappropriate to moment the T.I. hears it. However, but the T.I. will be able to remember using that tone and those words in the past. Say, for instance, a T.I. watches a movie that includes a patient in a vegetative state, hooked up to a respirator for years. The T.I. tells a friend about the movie and says, "I'd rather be dead than exist like that: brain dead and hooked up to all those machines." The perps will edit a recording of the T.I.'s sentence and repeatedly transmit, "I'd rather be dead than exist" every time, let's say, the T.I. comes home and starts to prepare a meal, or every time the T.I. lays down to go to sleep.
1) Deists can drown out V2K with repetitive prayer or chant religious or spiritual phrases.
2) Atheists can drown out V2K by mentally performing complex mathematical equations, or memorize and silently repeat long monologues or the speeches, or conjugating verbs in Latin (or some other foreign language), or engaging in any mental activity that forces the T.I. to maintain a single focus.
3) All T.I.s need to guard against any impulse to engage in outlandish or unreasonable behavior. Eleanor White suggests that one slowly counts to twenty rather than acting out an impulse. Another thing to do is to write down all of the personal and societal reasons for and against engaging in a new activity or behavior.
This is more insidious and dangerous and can convey subliminal messages. Since the perps monitor the T.I.'s REM cycle they know when is the best time to transmit ideas to the T.I. throughout the night so that the T.I. won't be remember hearing the suggestions, yet awaken thinking the transmitted idea is their own. If, for example, the T.I.'s inhibition was lowered by the targeting of the T.I.'s frontal lobe in the early hours of the morning and the sleeping V2K message was to do something reckless or outlandish, then the T.I. might awaken thinking the transmitted words constitute his/her own idea. This works if the outlandish suggestion is something the T.I. either admired someone else for doing or might have entertain doing (even in a moment of jest) and expressed that admiration in words; otherwise there is little likelihood of the T.I. following the suggestion.
SOLUTION: At night the T.I. might play two radios simultaneously, but with each radio tuned to a different station. For instance, one station could be tuned to raucous hot jazz, while the other radio is tuned into a classical music station. Or, two different jazz stations might be playing simultaneously.
Radio stations that play songs can be problematic because the perps can piggyback their own words onto the song as it plays. Also problematic are songs with highly repetitive musical phrasing. The T.I. needs to be careful not to listen to any genre of music that has a hypnotic quality to it.
There is a long time activist who suggests playing two different talk show stations simultaneously.
When the Targeted Individual understands the mechanisms by which attempted manipulation is made, he/she can take effective action to counter act its effects. This cannot be stressed too often. During the day Targeted Individuals must engage in mental activities that require and reinforce healthy single minded focus and drown out transmitted V2K. During the sleep time Targeted Individuals must set up a wall of sound (as another activist puts it) to obstruct S2K and V2k.
It may be difficult to accept these ideas at first, but remember: A WORD TO THE WISE T.I. should be sufficient.